Research Network: Television from Small Nations

Centre for Media and Culture in Small Nations

The Centre for Media and Culture in Small Nations has an enviable track-record in researching television in small nations.  Directors and members (including postgraduate researchers) of the Centre have collaborated with international academics, broadcasters, TV producers, and policy experts.

Drawing on a range of methodologies including audience research, policy analysis, textual analysis, and practice as research, we have contributed to television studies’ own understanding of how this medium contributes to the cultural, civic and economic life of diverse small nations. We appreciate the close relationship between television and other sectors of the audio-visual industry be that through the evolving nature of public service broadcasting or through the global patterns of location shooting as fostered through government creative industries and tax policies.

Recent papers and publications include

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McElroy, R. (2016) ‘Television Production in Small Nations’, guest edited dossier of articles Journal of Popular Television 4 (1), pp.69-73.

McElroy, R. and Noonan, C. (2016) ‘Television drama production in small nations: mobilities in a changing ecology’, Journal of Popular Television 4 (1), pp.109-127

Ruth McElroy & Hywel Wiliam (2016) ‘Mediating Civil Society: Is Wales getting the media services it deserves?’, Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research seminar.

McElroy, R. and Noonan, C. with Blandford, S. (2015) Television Drama Production in Wales: BBC Wales, Roath Lock Studios.

Rebecca Williams (2015) Localebrities, adopted residents, and local characters: audience and celebrity in a small nation Celebrity Studies.

Ruth McElroy & Caitriona Noonan ‘Nations and regions policy: what’s the point?’, New Directions in Film and Television Production Studies,Bristol, April 2015.

Ruth McElroy & Caitriona Noonan (2014) ‘‘“You don’t have to come from London to be able to do network shows”: Talent discourse in the Welsh screen industries’ , Conceptualising Talent: Privileging Change and Flexibility Onscreen and Off, symposium at University of Glasgow

Ruth McElroy, Caitirona Noonan and Anne Marit Waade expert panel on ‘Media mobilities, media locales: perspectives from small nations’ at Media and Place conference (Leeds MetropolitanUniversity. June 2014

Blandford, S. and McElroy R. (vol.3, 2013), ‘Memory, television and the making of the BBC’s The Story of Wales’, European Television Memories special issue, Journal of European Television History and Culture

Ruth McElroy ‘What Can Wales Learn From Nordic Noir?’, Topographies of Popular Culture, University of Tampere, Finland, October 2013

Blandford, S. (ed.) (2012) Theatre and Performance in Small Nations.Bristol: Intellect.

Hand, R. and Traynor, M. (eds.) (2012), Radio in Small Nations: Productions, Programmes, Audiences. Cardiff: UWP.

Noonan, C. (2012) The BBC and decentralisation: the pilgrimage to ManchesterInternational Journal of Cultural Policy 18(4), pp. 363-377.

Lacey, S, Blandford, S., McElroy R., and Williams, R. (2011) Editorial: Television Drama and National Identity: The Case of ‘Small Nations’, Contemporary Studies in Television, 6 (2): xiii-xvii.

Blandford, S. and Lacey, S. (2011) Screening Wales: Portrayal, Representation and Identity – A Case Study, Critical Studies in Television, 6 (2): 1-12.

Blandford, S. and McElroy, R. (2011) ’Promoting public service? Branding, place and BBC Cymru Wales’ idents, promos and trailers’, Journal of British Cinema and Television 8 (3), pp.392-410.

McElroy, R. (2011) ‘Putting the Landmark Back into Television’: producing place and cultural value in Cardiff’, Place-Branding and Public Diplomacy, 7 (3), pp.175-184.

Blandford, S., Lacey, S., McElroy, R. and Williams, R. (2010) Screening the Nation: Wales and Landmark Television, Report for the BBCTrust/Audience Council Wales. ISBN: 978-1-84054-248-6.

McElroy, R. (2008) ‘Indigenous minority-language media: S4C, cultural identity and the Welsh-language televisual community’, in Wilson, P. and Stewart, M. (eds.) Global Indigenous Media. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.